News & Stories

Rescue Rescue Story
Nine Reasons You Need to Visit This Humane Farm Sanctuary
Road trip! If you want a memorable experience, consider a day at Farm Sanctuary!
Road trip! If you want a memorable experience, consider a day at Farm Sanctuary!
Road trip! If you want a memorable experience, consider a day at Farm Sanctuary!

March 21, 2024

Factory Farming Rescue Story
Rose’s Will to Live: A Sheep Escapes Slaughter and Finds Freedom
Rose sheep ran for her life. At Farm Sanctuary, she'll never need to be on the run again.
Rose sheep ran for her life. At Farm Sanctuary, she'll never need to be on the run again.
Rose sheep ran for her life. At Farm Sanctuary, she'll never need to be on the run again.

March 18, 2024

Rescue Rescue Story
Chickens Sold for Food Suffocated in a Plastic Bag. Only Magik Hen Survived.
Animals sold and raised for food are treated like products, often causing immense suffering. Magik hen survived transport in a plastic bag inside the trunk of a car.
Animals sold and raised for food are treated like products, often causing immense suffering. Magik hen survived transport in a plastic bag inside the trunk of a car.
Animals sold and raised for food are treated like products, often causing immense suffering. Magik hen survived transport in a plastic bag inside the trunk of a car.

March 11, 2024

Education News & Lifestyle
Three Hearty Vegan Recipes for a ‘Green’ St. Patrick’s Day
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here! Get ready to make your celebrations greener this year with our kind and sustainable vegan recipes.
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here! Get ready to make your celebrations greener this year with our kind and sustainable vegan recipes.
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here! Get ready to make your celebrations greener this year with our kind and sustainable vegan recipes.

March 7, 2024

Factory Farming Rescue Story
Double the Joy: Twin Lambs Born at Farm Sanctuary After Mom’s Rescue
The only thing sweeter than one baby lamb: twin lambs born into the peace of sanctuary.
The only thing sweeter than one baby lamb: twin lambs born into the peace of sanctuary.
The only thing sweeter than one baby lamb: twin lambs born into the peace of sanctuary.

March 4, 2024

Rescue Rescue Story
You Won’t Believe This Rescued Rooster’s Before and After Photos
Looking at Joe Boo rooster today, happily strutting around our Los Angeles sanctuary, one might never know how sick and in desperate need of care he once was.
Looking at Joe Boo rooster today, happily strutting around our Los Angeles sanctuary, one might never know how sick and in desperate need of care he once was.
Looking at Joe Boo rooster today, happily strutting around our Los Angeles sanctuary, one might never know how sick and in desperate need of care he once was.

February 26, 2024

Factory Farming Rescue Story
Samson Lamb Born Safely at Farm Sanctuary After Heartbreaking Cruelty Case
Frannie is a loving mother, and our hearts melt each time we see this little family snuggle, knowing that no one will ever force them to part.
Frannie is a loving mother, and our hearts melt each time we see this little family snuggle, knowing that no one will ever force them to part.
Frannie is a loving mother, and our hearts melt each time we see this little family snuggle, knowing that no one will ever force them to part.

February 22, 2024

Factory Farming Rescue Story
Factory Farms Expanding as Cruel, Unsustainable Industrial Agriculture Dominates the U.S. Food System
The USDA's 2022 Census of Agriculture reveals the number of U.S. animal farms has declined, but animal farming is getting more intensive.
The USDA's 2022 Census of Agriculture reveals the number of U.S. animal farms has declined, but animal farming is getting more intensive.
The USDA's 2022 Census of Agriculture reveals the number of U.S. animal farms has declined, but animal farming is getting more intensive.

February 21, 2024

Factory Farming Rescue Story
Four Adorable Animals Saved From the Dairy Industry
The dairy industry routinely exploits animals who face slaughter when no longer profitable. These are the stories of a few individuals who escaped that cycle of harm.
The dairy industry routinely exploits animals who face slaughter when no longer profitable. These are the stories of a few individuals who escaped that cycle of harm.
The dairy industry routinely exploits animals who face slaughter when no longer profitable. These are the stories of a few individuals who escaped that cycle of harm.

February 12, 2024

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