News & Stories

News & Lifestyle
Here comes the recession: Can altruism survive a bad economy?
Will this recession have negative repercussions on things like charitable giving, or are the pundits simply riling up everyone for nothing?
Will this recession have negative repercussions on things like charitable giving, or are the pundits simply riling up everyone for nothing?
Will this recession have negative repercussions on things like charitable giving, or are the pundits simply riling up everyone for nothing?

August 3, 2022

Rescue Story
Pippa’s Journey: How Teamwork Brought a Rescued Lamb to Sanctuary
In June, Farm Sanctuary staff collaborated on a special project: bringing Pippa, a three-legged lamb, from our Watkins Glen, New York shelter to her new home in Acton, California.
In June, Farm Sanctuary staff collaborated on a special project: bringing Pippa, a three-legged lamb, from our Watkins Glen, New York shelter to her new home in Acton, California.
In June, Farm Sanctuary staff collaborated on a special project: bringing Pippa, a three-legged lamb, from our Watkins Glen, New York shelter to her new home in Acton, California.

August 2, 2022

News & Lifestyle
The pros and cons of cars running on cooking oil
While cooking oil makes for an exciting fuel alternative and a sterling conversation starter, this innovation has a few issues.
While cooking oil makes for an exciting fuel alternative and a sterling conversation starter, this innovation has a few issues.
While cooking oil makes for an exciting fuel alternative and a sterling conversation starter, this innovation has a few issues.

August 2, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Plant-based playlist: 20 songs by vegan friendly artists
So many beloved musicians — from pop divas to soul singers — have chosen observe plant-based lifestyles.
So many beloved musicians — from pop divas to soul singers — have chosen observe plant-based lifestyles.
So many beloved musicians — from pop divas to soul singers — have chosen observe plant-based lifestyles.

August 2, 2022

News & Lifestyle
From the Editor
This August, Farm Sanctuary will spotlight family-focused content, like bringing up children in a vegan household and parenthood in an era of social justice reform.
This August, Farm Sanctuary will spotlight family-focused content, like bringing up children in a vegan household and parenthood in an era of social justice reform.
This August, Farm Sanctuary will spotlight family-focused content, like bringing up children in a vegan household and parenthood in an era of social justice reform.

August 1, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Plant-based and cruelty-free Black hair care
Porosity is a crucial component to the careful management of Black hair, and is especially important for Black people who identify as vegans.
Porosity is a crucial component to the careful management of Black hair, and is especially important for Black people who identify as vegans.
Porosity is a crucial component to the careful management of Black hair, and is especially important for Black people who identify as vegans.

July 31, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Weird science: The 411 on genetically modified foods
While it's exciting to see all the whimsical ways produce can be altered, genetically modified food is incredibly controversial.
While it's exciting to see all the whimsical ways produce can be altered, genetically modified food is incredibly controversial.
While it's exciting to see all the whimsical ways produce can be altered, genetically modified food is incredibly controversial.

July 31, 2022

News & Lifestyle
What’s the skinny on weight loss and veganism?
While veganism certainly has its strengths in promoting a holistic lifestyle, should it be used to encourage and sustain weight loss?
While veganism certainly has its strengths in promoting a holistic lifestyle, should it be used to encourage and sustain weight loss?
While veganism certainly has its strengths in promoting a holistic lifestyle, should it be used to encourage and sustain weight loss?

July 29, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Wicked game: Examining the dietary habits of rural populations
With greater grassroots efforts to promote and educate communities about veganism, individuals from these environments can and hopefully will move away from wild animals as a food source. 
With greater grassroots efforts to promote and educate communities about veganism, individuals from these environments can and hopefully will move away from wild animals as a food source. 
With greater grassroots efforts to promote and educate communities about veganism, individuals from these environments can and hopefully will move away from wild animals as a food source. 

July 29, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Warmth and gratitude on National Intern Day
Farm Sanctuary has employed multiple people who started in college or as volunteers who endeavor to help us make the world a better place.
Farm Sanctuary has employed multiple people who started in college or as volunteers who endeavor to help us make the world a better place.
Farm Sanctuary has employed multiple people who started in college or as volunteers who endeavor to help us make the world a better place.

July 28, 2022

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