News & Stories

News & Lifestyle
Why vegans must avoid lanolin
The only way to stop lanolin use is to educate the public about alternative products with the same softening effect but without the guilt and sheep commodification.
The only way to stop lanolin use is to educate the public about alternative products with the same softening effect but without the guilt and sheep commodification.
The only way to stop lanolin use is to educate the public about alternative products with the same softening effect but without the guilt and sheep commodification.

June 24, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Class of 2022: Should recent grads choose careers in nonprofit?
Sure, today’s college graduates may be tomorrow’s CEOs. Unfortunately, with nearly 50% of nonprofits failing in their first year, the class of 2022 has serious challenges to overcome.
Sure, today’s college graduates may be tomorrow’s CEOs. Unfortunately, with nearly 50% of nonprofits failing in their first year, the class of 2022 has serious challenges to overcome.
Sure, today’s college graduates may be tomorrow’s CEOs. Unfortunately, with nearly 50% of nonprofits failing in their first year, the class of 2022 has serious challenges to overcome.

June 23, 2022

News & Lifestyle
5 Companies working to combat food waste and food insecurity
Fighting food waste to end hunger is a goal that every company and individual should prioritize. The sooner this practice is normalized, the more positive the impact.
Fighting food waste to end hunger is a goal that every company and individual should prioritize. The sooner this practice is normalized, the more positive the impact.
Fighting food waste to end hunger is a goal that every company and individual should prioritize. The sooner this practice is normalized, the more positive the impact.

June 19, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Happy Father’s Day: Our message of acknowledgment and gratitude
To all the dads on this Father's Day, we extend our gratitude for the laughs, the grace, the hugs, and the memories. Enjoy your day, and thanks for supporting Farm Sanctuary.
To all the dads on this Father's Day, we extend our gratitude for the laughs, the grace, the hugs, and the memories. Enjoy your day, and thanks for supporting Farm Sanctuary.
To all the dads on this Father's Day, we extend our gratitude for the laughs, the grace, the hugs, and the memories. Enjoy your day, and thanks for supporting Farm Sanctuary.

June 19, 2022

News & Lifestyle
5 Essentials for the perfect Juneteenth vegan cookout
For many of us in the Black community, Juneteenth is a time for family and friends to congregate and honor our ancestry.
For many of us in the Black community, Juneteenth is a time for family and friends to congregate and honor our ancestry.
For many of us in the Black community, Juneteenth is a time for family and friends to congregate and honor our ancestry.

June 16, 2022

Advocacy Advocacy Action
Pride 2022: Action and Visibility Lead to Change
Farm Sanctuary is excited to celebrate all our LGBTQ+ staff and community members and honor the many LGBTQ+ activists, organizers, and community leaders.
Farm Sanctuary is excited to celebrate all our LGBTQ+ staff and community members and honor the many LGBTQ+ activists, organizers, and community leaders.
Farm Sanctuary is excited to celebrate all our LGBTQ+ staff and community members and honor the many LGBTQ+ activists, organizers, and community leaders.

June 14, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Sheer Beauty: Presenting the Sheep’s Summer Hairdos!
It’s official: Farm Sanctuary’s wooly friends are naked. Each year in the spring, we bring trusted shearers to Watkins Glen and Acton to help with this vital part of sheep healthcare. Here are some photos of their ne…
It’s official: Farm Sanctuary’s wooly friends are naked. Each year in the spring, we bring trusted shearers to Watkins Glen and Acton to help with this vital part of sheep healthcare. Here are some photos of their new ‘dos!
It’s official: Farm Sanctuary’s wooly friends are naked. Each year in the spring, we bring trusted shearers to Watkins Glen and Acton to help with this vital part of sheep healthcare. Here are some photos of their new ‘dos!

June 9, 2022

News & Lifestyle
Celebrating Our Friends at Farm Sanctuary: Happy National Animal Rights Day!
Consider this: Farmed animals do not have to be farmed. Many of us grow up believing that cows give us milk, chickens give us eggs, sheep give us wool, and meat gives us protein that we need to sustain life. But the bi…
Consider this: Farmed animals do not have to be farmed. Many of us grow up believing that cows give us milk, chickens give us eggs, sheep give us wool, and meat gives us protein that we need to sustain life. But the biggest misconception is that they “give” us anything: Humans take them, often at the animals’ expense.
Consider this: Farmed animals do not have to be farmed. Many of us grow up believing that cows give us milk, chickens give us eggs, sheep give us wool, and meat gives us protein that we need to sustain life. But the biggest misconception is that they “give” us anything: Humans take them, often at the animals’ expense.

June 5, 2022

Rescue Story
From Something to Someone: Valuing Jack, Allan, and Other Pigs at Farm Sanctuary
After “this little piggy went to market,” Jack and his friend Allan went home to Sanctuary. The boys—a Yorkshire pig and Hampshire/Duroc cross, respectively—were both raised for production purposes. They met at …
After “this little piggy went to market,” Jack and his friend Allan went home to Sanctuary. The boys—a Yorkshire pig and Hampshire/Duroc cross, respectively—were both raised for production purposes. They met at Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester, and are friendly and rambunctious boys with a bit of an eye for trouble. Mischievous behaviors aside, these are signs of social and problem-solving skills which likely helped the boys survive.
After “this little piggy went to market,” Jack and his friend Allan went home to Sanctuary. The boys—a Yorkshire pig and Hampshire/Duroc cross, respectively—were both raised for production purposes. They met at Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester, and are friendly and rambunctious boys with a bit of an eye for trouble. Mischievous behaviors aside, these are signs of social and problem-solving skills which likely helped the boys survive.

June 1, 2022

Press Release
This Mother’s Day, Alicia Silverstone Reflects on What Being a “Kind Mama” Means to Her
In a letter penned for Farm Sanctuary, the country’s premier farm animal sanctuary and advocacy organization, in support of their annual Adopt a Farm Animal Mother’s Day campaign.
In a letter penned for Farm Sanctuary, the country’s premier farm animal sanctuary and advocacy organization, in support of their annual Adopt a Farm Animal Mother’s Day campaign.
In a letter penned for Farm Sanctuary, the country’s premier farm animal sanctuary and advocacy organization, in support of their annual Adopt a Farm Animal Mother’s Day campaign.

May 3, 2022

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